Alfie Evans' parents last-ditch appeal in fight to fly toddler to Italy REJECTED as three judges uphold High Court ruling
Alfie Evans's parents have lost a last-ditch appeal in their fight to take the toddler to Italy for further treatment after his life support was removed.
Tom Evans, 21, and Kate James, 20, have challenged a High Court judge’s decision that their seriously ill son could not be taken to a hospital in Rome.
This evening, the Court of Appeal rejected both appeals.
The judges gave rulings on the appeal grounds brought by the father first and then by Alfie's mother.
They rejected all grounds raised by the parents.
Little Alfie is still "fighting" more than 40 hours after his life support was withdrawn, his family say(Image: Facebook)
Sir Andrew McFarlane, who is one of the highest-ranking family court judges in the UK, headed a panel of three judges at the London-based court.
He said: "This is awful for everyone concerned.
"We are in the middle of palliative care plan at Alder Hey Hospital. I can see no basis that judge was wrong."
The judges were told during the hearing that Alfie was “struggling” since being removed from life support on Monday evening.
Lord Justice McFarlane pointed out during the hearing that “the only determining factor is the best interests" of the little boy, adding: “What rights others have, particularly the parents, falls into a subsidiary category...”
The Court of Appeal in London heard today that Alfie (pictured with his dad Tom Evans) was "struggling"(Image: Internet Unknown)
Tom, 21, and Alfie's mum, Kate James, 20, had challenged a High Court judge’s decision that their son could not be taken to a hospital in Rome(Image: PA)
Earlier, Alfie's dad had said he would fight "all the way" to take his little boy abroad, saying he hoped the judges would overturn the previous decision.
However, Alfie's parents appealed against the judge's decision, claiming a German air ambulance team was "ready" to transport him to the city.
Speaking earlier today, Tom, from Liverpool, said he was still adamant that it was in his son's best interests to be transferred to an Italian hospital.
"Get him to Italy and we'll come back with him in a better condition than he's in now and I know they're not going to do that," he told the Liverpool Echo.
"They're not going to give him that chance.
"So I'm going to have to fight, legally, for that chance. I will all the way."
Alfie's parents posted this picture of him on social media after "19 hours breathing on his own"(Image: Internet Unknown)
Tom is pictured speaking to the Liverpool Echo outside Alder Hey Hospital this morning
The dad said he believes the little boy's breathing was being 'suppressed' while he was on life support - but now he's "content"(Image: Facebook)
Last night, the dad had claimed that an German air ambulance team was also "ready" to transport his son, who has a mystery brain condition, abroad.
And this afternoon, two people, believed to be members of the alleged air ambulance crew, were asked to leave Alder Hey Children's Hospital.
The man and woman, seen speaking to members of the Evans family, were escorted from the hospital by police and security staff.
More than 40 hours after Alfie's life support was withdrawn, the little boy continues to "fight" and has been breathing unassisted, his family say.
Tom told the Echo that he believes the toddler's breathing was being 'suppressed' while he was receiving life support - but now he's "content".
"He's more comfortable now he's got no tube and he's breathing for himself," the father told reporter Joe Thomas ahead of the Court of Appeal hearing.
Alfie's parents took their legal battle to the Court of Appeal this afternoon
High Court judge Mr Justice Hayden yesterday ruled out plans to fly Alfie to Rome, but urged British doctors to consider letting the tot go home(Image: Facebook)
He added: "He's off what people say is 'God's replacement'.
"No God no more, it's just Alfie - it's always been Alfie.
"I believe that ventilator was suppressing the breathing with the drugs.
"We have Alfie stable and ready to go. No sign of deterioration, no sigh of oxygen loss. No sign of suffocation or anything like that.
"He's stable, he's breathing, he's receiving water and some treatment and he's receiving his oxygen which is the most important thing."
Alfie, who has an undiagnosed degenerative brain condition, had his ventilator removed on Monday night following a series of court rulings upholding the decision that continued life support was not in his best interests.
Alfie has been at the centre of a life or death treatment battle for months(Image: Liverpool Echo)
The little boy, who has an undiagnosed brain condition, had his ventilator removed on Monday night(Image: AFP)
This afternoon, two people, believed to be members of a German air ambulance crew, were asked to leave Alder Hey Children's Hospital(Image: Daily Mirror)
But two days on, Tom said his son was still "fighting".
"He's comfortable, content, fighting - the three words I've used all the way through this case," said the dad, standing outside Alder Hey.
"He's more comfortable now he's got no tube and he's breathing for himself.
"I don't want to be big-headed and say 'I told you so' but we had to fight hard against this to say 'remove the drugs, remove the machine' and he's doing it now.
"He ain't showing no sign of suffering or that he needs support or anything."
Apparently positive about his son's condition, he added: "The nurses have been coming in to review him and they're happy he looks comfortable.
"He looks chilled. And that's what's the most important thing right now."
Protesters gathered outside the Liverpool-based hospital to protest against Alfie's life support being removed(Image: Getty Images Europe)
Speaking earlier today, Tom said he and Kate were "happy" with how their son was doing(Image: Daily Mirror)
Tom told the Echo he and Kate are "happy" with how their son is doing.
Alfie has been at the centre of a life or death treatment battle for months, with his parents repeatedly trying to block doctors from withdrawing life support.
After failing in their bid, they have been trying to take him to Italy for treatment.
Tom said earlier today: "We hope that at two o'clock the judge says this has got to be overturned. We hope Justice Hayden allows us to go Italy and if not we still keep on with what we're doing and are allowed to get him home."
The dad confirmed he would not be attending today's hearing.
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