Tuesday 15 May 2018

U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley SHREDS The Security Council Over Gaza 'Demonstrations'

Haley lectured the U.N. on its tolerance for anti-Israel violence before walking out on the Palestinian delegation.

Drew Angerer/Getty Images
United Nations Ambassador and all-around badass Nikki Haley took her seat on the U.N. Security Council this morning and proceeded to tear the body to shreds over it's "concern" that Israel was murdering innocent Palestinians just looking to express their frustration by storming Israel's borders, grenades in hand.
Speaking to the Council, calmly yet firmly, Haley criticized the United Nations' tolerance for violence against Israel, asking her colleagues whether they would accept this kind of behavior from any other nation if the target wasn't the Jewish people, and blaming the terrorist organization, Hamas, for both inciting the violence, and using Palestinians as human shields.
“Let's remember that the Hamas terrorist organization has been inciting violence for years, long before the United States decided to move our embassy,” Haley told the U.N. “This is what is endangering the people of Gaza. Make no mistake, Hamas is pleased with the results from yesterday.”Haley added, in graphic detail, a description of how Hamas uses civilians to disguise terrorist activity, tying Molotov cocktails to kite strings and encouraging protesters to encroach on Israel's borders, issuing demands over loudspeakers and bullhorns — and then excoriated the Security Council for condemning Israel for defending its borders.
“No country in this chamber would act with more restraint than Israel has. In fact, the records of several countries here today suggest they would be much less restrained,” Haley said.
Haley then left the chamber before the Palestinian delegation, there to complain about Israel's "unjustified" behavior and "indiscriminate" killing, began their presentation.Indeed, Haley faced immediate backlash from the Left, which tried to hold her responsible for around 60 deaths during yesterday's demonstrations in the Gaza Strip. But just as the Left was preparing to make their case that Haley was defending baby-murderers and sociopathic criminals, Israeli sources revealed that at least 12 of those killed in yesterday's incidents were members of Hamas's security apparatus and/or members of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
Israel's ambassador Danny Danon added that Israel has evidence indicating Iran supported Monday's protests.
The United Nations responded to Haley's speech by insisting that there should be an investigation into Israel's actions. Because, of course it did.

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