A spokesperson for Kensington Palace has confirmed that Saturday’s Royal Wedding between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle has been cancelled after Ms Markle was deported by accident.
According to a statement, the Home Office have misplaced her landing card that she filled in shortly before her last arrival in the country
It is believed that her landing card has been left attached to a fridge and covered up by one of Amber Rudd’s old shopping lists.
The statement added, ‘Ms Markle has launched an appeal with the Home Office, but unfortunately they have a backlog of 500 Windrush legacy fuck-ups to deal with first.’
’We have been told that she is welcome to apply through the regular channel of floating into Dover on the back of an IKEA door.’
The new Home Secretary Sajid Javid or David or whatever said, ‘I am unable to comment on individual deportations of prospective members of the Royal Family.’
United Nations Ambassador and all-around badass Nikki Haley took her seat on the U.N. Security Council this morning and proceeded to tear the body to shreds over it's "concern" that Israel was murdering innocent Palestinians just looking to express their frustration by storming Israel's borders, grenades in hand.
Speaking to the Council, calmly yet firmly, Haley criticized the United Nations' tolerance for violence against Israel, asking her colleagues whether they would accept this kind of behavior from any other nation if the target wasn't the Jewish people, and blaming the terrorist organization, Hamas, for both inciting the violence, and using Palestinians as human shields.
“Let's remember that the Hamas terrorist organization has been inciting violence for years, long before the United States decided to move our embassy,” Haley told the U.N. “This is what is endangering the people of Gaza. Make no mistake, Hamas is pleased with the results from yesterday.”Haley added, in graphic detail, a description of how Hamas uses civilians to disguise terrorist activity, tying Molotov cocktails to kite strings and encouraging protesters to encroach on Israel's borders, issuing demands over loudspeakers and bullhorns — and then excoriated the Security Council for condemning Israel for defending its borders.
“No country in this chamber would act with more restraint than Israel has. In fact, the records of several countries here today suggest they would be much less restrained,” Haley said.
Haley then left the chamber before the Palestinian delegation, there to complain about Israel's "unjustified" behavior and "indiscriminate" killing, began their presentation.Indeed, Haley faced immediate backlash from the Left, which tried to hold her responsible for around 60 deaths during yesterday's demonstrations in the Gaza Strip. But just as the Left was preparing to make their case that Haley was defending baby-murderers and sociopathic criminals, Israeli sources revealed that at least 12 of those killed in yesterday's incidents were members of Hamas's security apparatus and/or members of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
Just a few days after news broke that a woman found out her puppy bought from a Chinese pet store last year is actually a fox, another pet owner has come to a similar conclusion.
According to The Independent, two years ago, Su Yun, from Kunming in the Yunnan province of China, bought a puppy on vacation, believing it to be a Tibetan Mastiff, and brought the animal home.
From day one, Yun and her family were impressed by their pet’s massive appetite. The “dog” reportedly chowed down on a box of fruit and two buckets of noodles everyday.
But it wasn’t until the pet reached 250 pounds and started walking around on its hind legs that they realized there was a mistake.
This “dog” is actually an Asiatic black bear.
Since the family is slightly (and reasonably) afraid of wild bears and is not capable of caring for one of the large creatures, they have since transferred their former family pet to Yunnan Wildlife Rescue Centre, where it will receive proper care from wildlife professionals.
GAINESVILLE, FL—Upending the conventional theory that the animals are different species, a study conducted by marine biologists at the University of Florida confirmed Thursday that sharks are just really angry dolphins. “An exhaustive five-year-long field study combined with comprehensive DNA analysis proves that sharks are actually dolphins that are super fucking pissed,” said lead researcher Dr. Karen Delgado, noting that the reason sharks were considered solitary animals was because they were simply livid dolphins who needed to go off by themselves for a while to simmer down. “Once a dolphin becomes furious, it undergoes a number of physiological changes including growing several rows of jagged teeth, sprouting gills, and developing a layer of skin that seals up the blowhole. In rare cases, a dolphin can become so enraged that its head will morph into a flat, hammer-like shape. Eventually, the mammal calms down and rejoins the pod after its dolphin-like features return.” Delgado added that her team’s study comes in the wake of a similar discovery that walruses are profoundly wise sea lions.
Anyone who has ever visited the beautiful island of Bali will know that, stunning as it is, they do have a stray dog issue and it is quite common to encounter street dogs while walking around towns and villages.
While the government has a difficult job on its hands to keep things under control and prevent rabies outbreaks, shelters and citizens take matters in their own hands to give the poor, lost pups the best life they can possibly get. Bali is known for its Hindu faith, and one important figure in Hindu belief is Yudhishthira, a king who had approached heaven with his dog. Because of this, the common belief exists among many Hindus that caring for or adopting dogs can also pave way to heaven. A beautiful example of this is the story of a husky that was found on the street, sore-ridden and extremely malnourished, by the gentle soul that is Rico Soegiarto.
When Rico, 26, first encountered the pup on the streets of Denpasar, she had bald spots, and was so thin you could see her bones through her diseased skin. She didn’t have long left to live. Despite her condition however, her brilliant blue eyes still shone bright and Rico knew that he had to give the neglected pup a second chance. “I don’t know what was special about her,” Rico told Bored Panda. “Its about heart and feeling. I found her when I was on the way back home from work, she was in the middle of the street.”
And wow, what a second chance it was. After carefully nursing the husky back to health, with grooming, pet visits and plenty of good food, Rico shared the results of his beloved new pet’s transformation. It is simply astonishing! Now strong and healthy with a thick, lustrous coat and those same burning blue eyes, the husky clearly adores Rico and cannot keep her paws off her savior. “She loves getting petted and eats plenty of cookies!” Rico told us. “And she is so sociable that she worries me sometimes. There are many thieves in Bali.” She is safe now though with Rico, who has 4 other dogs and is a dedicated animal lover. So what did he decide to call his miracle pup that has survived such hardship? “Her name is Hope.”
What a fitting name! Scroll down to see the powerful pictures below, and let us know what you think in the comments!
This is the aptly-named husky Hope, who was abandoned and neglected on the streets of Denpasar, Bali
When Rico Soegiarto, 26, first encountered the pup on the way home from work one night, she had bald spots
And was so thin you could see her bones through her diseased skin
She didn’t have long left to live
Despite her condition however, her brilliant blue eyes still shone bright
And Rico knew that he had to give the neglected pup a second chance
“I don’t know what was special about her”, Rico told Bored Panda
“Its about heart and feeling. I found her when I was on the way back home from work, she was in the middle of the street”
After carefully nursing the husky back to health, with grooming, pet visits and plenty of good food
Rico shared the results of his beloved new pet’s transformation
She’s now strong and healthy with a thick, lustrous coat and those same burning blue eyes
She clearly adores Rico. “She loves getting petted and eats plenty of cookies!”Hope is now part of a happy family with Rico, his girlfriend and 4 other pups
We all want to stay young for as long as possible, both for our health and our appearance. A scientific team tested around 1,000 38-year-olds and found that some of them were as fit as they were in their 20s, while others seemed to have the health conditions of seniors. According to the study, genetics account for only about 20% of how people age, while environmental and lifestyle factors play a much larger role.
Here at Bright Side, we’ve gathered these awesome beauty hacks to help you stay younger looking for longer.
Nobel Laureate Elizabeth Blackburn found out that telomeres (the ends of chromosomes) are actually responsible for the aging processes in our cells. The shorter our telomeres are, the faster we age. Chronic stress leads to shorter telomeres, which is why it is important to manage your stress levels.
Meditation is one of the best ways to lower your stress levels and feel more relaxed. It also helps to prevent the shortening of telomeres. Sign up for a yoga class and learn to let go of negative situations and thoughts.
Blackburn’s research has also proven that people who live in safe and friendly communities have longer telomeres. So invest in your neighborhood and take advantage of it.
Another study showed that married people and those who maintain old friendships also have longer telomeres, which means that they grow older a little bit slower than others. Some research has indicated that the optimum number of friends we need for staying healthy is six.
Caloric restriction, which basically means eating less, without malnutrition can slow down human metabolism and help us stay young longer. Researchers observed two groups of monkeys for two years. They came to the conclusion that monkeys which were on a low-calorie diet lived longer and stayed healthier.
You can also adjust your diet. Try to avoid all types of processed foods because phosphates added to processed foods accelerate the aging process. Instead, make sure to include anti-aging foods in your diet like blueberries, dark chocolate, nuts, figs, salmon, avocado, turmeric, etc. By doing so, you’ll lower your risk of heart disease, protect your skin and vision, support cognitive function, and improve gut health.
A recent study from the University of Scranton showed that walnuts contain the most anti-aging antioxidants. Eating just 3 walnuts a day will help you stay healthier and younger-looking. Also, try to limit your intake of added sugars and stop drinking soda and alcohol.
4. Rack your brain.
Exercising is important, but do not forget to train your brain. Read books, study foreign languages, and play games that involve mental activity. By making your brain actively work you can slow down the aging process. Recent studies showed that learning increases the number of neurons which helps the brain stay younger.
Caloric restriction, which basically means eating less, without malnutrition can slow down human metabolism and help us stay young longer. Researchers observed two groups of monkeys for two years. They came to the conclusion that monkeys which were on a low-calorie diet lived longer and stayed healthier.
You can also adjust your diet. Try to avoid all types of processed foods because phosphates added to processed foods accelerate the aging process. Instead, make sure to include anti-aging foods in your diet like blueberries, dark chocolate, nuts, figs, salmon, avocado, turmeric, etc. By doing so, you’ll lower your risk of heart disease, protect your skin and vision, support cognitive function, and improve gut health.
A recent study from the University of Scranton showed that walnuts contain the most anti-aging antioxidants. Eating just 3 walnuts a day will help you stay healthier and younger-looking. Also, try to limit your intake of added sugars and stop drinking soda and alcohol.
4. Rack your brain.
Exercising is important, but do not forget to train your brain. Read books, study foreign languages, and play games that involve mental activity. By making your brain actively work you can slow down the aging process. Recent studies showed that learning increases the number of neurons which helps the brain stay younger.
Try to wear less makeup because parabens used in cosmetics can disrupt estrogen and throw normal female fertility into premature aging. You can switch to more natural cosmetics instead. If you are a makeup junkie and just can’t wear it any less, make sure you clean your face well every day.
Nowadays all women’s magazines convince us that using SPF on the face is something we cannot skip even during the winter. Although Cancer Research UK suggests we spend around 15 minutes in the sun around midday without any sunscreen. This will help you to get vitamin D without the risk of getting skin cancer.
A new study showed that dancing is one of the most effective types of exercise that can reverse the aging process. Dancing, especially continuously changing choreography, can boost the work of the hippocampus and help you slow down aging.
Having the right sleep regimen is very important. Experts say that the sleep we get between the hours of 11 PM and 3 AM is responsible for nutrition and regeneration, which is why you should go to sleep at 11 PM or earlier. Ideally, a person should get 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Chronic lack of sleep affects not only the way we feel, but also the way we look.
Harvard Medical School research showed that people who usually sleep for less than 7 hours and start to go to bed only one hour earlier had positive changes in blood pressure. It helped to lower the risk of stroke and heart attack.
Antioxidants prevent free radicals caused by sun damage or smoking from damaging the cells in our bodies. One way to do this is to use face creams with antioxidants. The other way is to take them orally. The most powerful antioxidants that slow down aging are selenium, vitamin E, and vitamin C.
Consider adding fish oil or any other anti-inflammatory supplements to your diet. Fish oil is rich with omega-3 acids which improve the heart function, boost the immune system, and improve hair growth. Omega-3 is also great for maintaining younger looking skin.
What do you think about these tips for maintaining your health and appearance? Do you have a healthy daily routine? Share your opinions with us in the comments below!
In 2014, photographers Lora Scantling and Christy Goodger sent out an open call on Facebook that would change their lives forever.
Scantling's stepfather had been recently diagnosed with lung cancer, and she wanted to start a project that would pay tribute to him.
"I thought, 'Oh how sweet would it be and I put a post on Facebook asking if anyone knew of little kids battling cancer,'" she told ABC.
One of Scantling's "Little Heroes"Scantling Photography
In the years since, Scantling has photographed dozens of pint sized cancer survivors for a project she calls "Little Heroes."
But three little girls stood out from the rest, in a photo that went viral around the world.
Three young girls from Oklahoma posed for the now-famous photo.
Six-year-old Rheann Franklin, center, was battling a rare brain tumor.
Five-year-old Ainsley Peters, on the right, was facing leukemia.
And Rylie Hughey, on the left, was only three, but living with kidney cancer.
All bald, dressed like angels and hugging each other close, the photo of the three girls resonated with people around the world and quickly went viral.
Ainsley's mother says the image is so moving because it's "a beautiful look at a horrifying struggle."
Scantling said it connected with so many because "you can feel what they're feeling."
Good News
The first noteworthy reunion of the three little models came less than a year after the original photo was taken.
Googer and Scantling Photography
This time, Ainsley and Rylie sported short hair, and posed for the photo in brightly colored dresses.The photos marked a major milestone for all three girls: they were officially in remission.
You may notice that Rheann is still bald and has droopy eyes: while her hair will never grow back, these are just lasting signs of her victory over her brain tumor.
Scantling remembers that the girls were even in good spirits to match their bright outfits.
And to keep hope alive, Scantling plans to take as many photos of the trio as she can.
But for this year's photos, the girls were joined by someone new.
"Sometimes you never know how much time you have.”
The new face in this year's photo of the girls is three-year-old Connor Lloyd.
Scantling is Lloyd's family photographer, and when she heard the young boy had been diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, she invited him to pose with the girls.
"Sometimes you never know how much time you have," she explained to his mother.
Rheann is now 10, and Ainsley is eight.Lora Scantling
Scantling says that "people have kind of forgotten what the original purpose of the picture was for" because the three girls are in remission.
Rylie is seven, and Connor is just three years old.Lora Scantling
"Connor will be in treatment for another three years, and yet he’s always so happy and brave. Just like the girls, he’s an inspiration."
The photographer says Connor is "responding well to treatment," so count on seeing him again when Scantling's next photo comes out.
Googer and Scantling Photography
"I’ll keep taking this photo every year for as long as they want me to," she said.
"They’re inspiring to all of us."
Best of luck to Rheann, Ainsley, Rylie and Connor!
For another inspiring cancer story, read about the baby born with both Down syndrome and cancer.